Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Silly Inner Demons

Lately life has entailed allot if outside pressures that seems to have hijacked my ability to follow through on bits I really want to do.... I was ramming against it when I saw this post on Facebook.
This reminded/reinforced how many tools I do have in my arsenal and then remembered Artists Way's morning pages which for me is also morning doodles.  It's like bleeding a radiator, We are much more useful to ourselves when we allow release valves.
..... And art, when I am able to shoehorn myself into an art medium I often gain solutions, insight, and surprises that fall out leaving me a souvenirs of process.  
Yesterday I was reminded my monsters aren't scary unless I let them be.  The most scary are also ridiculous.... What role will I allow them to play or remember Sara's  lesson when face to face with Jared; they have no real power over me.  The power I give my adversaries,including  when those are in the form if dynamics, fears and attachments usually come from my own insecurities, like referred pain.
Sometimes defusing it is as simple and complicated as laying it on the page.

It's cold and fluffy outside and Sadie wants to romp in it.

Xo Chelle ox

Ps... More later


le petit gateau said...

That's a great insight, thank you for sharing it. I will try to achieve it too, even when it is not easy to do.

Unknown said...

I agree the FB insight is a good one as well as your additional thoughts surrounding it. I have two copies of "The Artists Way" one, given to me by my mother who was an artist and a friend who was also an artist. Both thought it was wonderful and derived such pleasure out of "the morning papers" and wanted to share it by giving it as a gift to moi! I don't know why two people who knew me so well would think I could ever do "the morning papers" ... I'm a night owl - always have been and the book made me so frustrated and angry at myself for having no discipline whatsoever,
that I called myself a bad artist, you name it until one day I just gave up. I stopped trying to force myself to be someone I wasn't and managed to figure out a way to turn that fantastic book a bit more personal. I did "the morning papers" in the evening and sometimes very late into the evening, when it actually would soon become the morning, I just hadn't slept yet. Very helpful stuff inside that book for sure thanks for the reminder.