Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wake Up and See Each Other

We are slaves to our pricey devices.  They come with strings not in even the finest print.  They replace books, theaters and actual human interaction and we pay hundreds of dollars for the privledge of being lead to further transition into robots for the machine.

It seems we need to stop focusing on the anger that comes from technological numbness and slow down to really see each other.
We allow ourselves to rush through process, placated and controlled by our technological toys  and are then surprised when people feel isolated and angry.
Focusing on the anger as the problem, labeling it as metal illness, is a mistake and allows the root of a much greater problem to flourish.
In general, we are not seeing or truly interacting with each other nearly enough and those are needs just as crucial as food, air and water.
 If someone did not eat and died we'd say it was from starvation not physical illness.  We are robbing ourselves of the basic need of real human interaction on essential core levels and then medicating and labeling those that react to it with emotional and psychological hunger.  We are watching each other whither of starvation and all we need is humanity. love and non-franken food to thrive....
Will we rise to that occasion or turn into a business that thrives on apathy?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Painting and Organizing and Online

So how to manage the plethora of social networking sights there are, not believe that it is actually socializing and still create and finish projects that make me say, 'hey, I like that!' when I am done.

Looking around my studio it is not hard to see that a.d.d. rules the roost.   Thankfully I have recently been exposed to a few studios that were so organized I was inspired to follow suit.

 It actually is nice to find something when I am looking for it.  In the midst of that, walking it the fall colors with my furry besties and playing with comfort foods to ward off the cold I have been painting hats, clothes and wood.  Hats are a favorite of mine to paint...
These two I posted on Etsy yesterday   ... The black one has sold :) :) :)

It still feels like I am spending more and more time in front of my computer with all the networking sights and net flix..... in many ways it is  similar to having a t.v. in regards to distracting me from art and productivity.  There hasnt been a t.v. in my home for yeeeears for that reason... getting rid of my computer to avoid an over abundance of distractions doesnt seem practical....  Okay so I will be working on orgazining my time and my studio....... and  enjoying the fall with my furries.

How do ya'all balance your online time wtih everything in the here and now that you want to do???

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My Rainy, Bouncy Tuesday

Oh so many projects and so little time... I seems to be bouncing back and forth on a dozen or so today.   Furry Cookie says to work on one piece at a time... whelp, he is not as bouncy, which is how I move through most of my days....aaaaand he leaves his favorite cookies in the cubbard for weeks eating one at a time.  ....If my favorite junk food is in the house it either just got there or I didnt know about it... inhaling  entire contents generally takes 15-30 minutes depending on various factors.
Actually, it doesnt have to be my favorite.... just there..

......a couple of projects that have my attention today are a character from buttons and various found bits that may be becoming a fish and my coat that I split to increase the swing and have not finishing sewing in the triangles... its getting cold out there so mother nature does not seem as though she is going to wait for me to finish so I am aiming to have that be one of the pieces I finish today...... 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 18, 2012 - Introducing Doonie

I havent blogged in what feels like way too long.... last time I did I got frustrated because the text and photos were doing weird self edits.  After an hour and a half or so I swore, went outside and missed blogging and have not since.... I do so miss it.... 

This recycling from the piles in my studio/apartment into characters and stuff has me excited-er which gave me something new I was busting to share and stuff....  
These characters feel like they would/ will :) fit well into a Tim Burton film... perhaps I can get them an audition when they are formed and have more life to em.... which is such a great process, usually I dont know what and who they will be when .I start.
   Here is Doonie.
Her beginnings- a tuna can, brass locket, wee toy construction cone I found on a walk,... Mrs. Potato Head (one of my favorite childhood toys) and some Apoxie 

sculpt.  If you have not yet work with that sculpting medium....  I highly recommend trying it!  It has three hours of working time with varying stages of hardness
She still needs allot of work... I am excited to see where she goes.....

it's rainy today so its organizing inside today and outside in the sun tomorrow to work on her body.

What are you working on today?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hello and happy middle of the night.....
I took a wee nap earlier, watched a bunch of youtube on my phone, which made my eyes cross, drank a pot of coffee and now I am up.  That was all between 7p and 8p.... now its midnight.  It will likely take me a bit of time to finish this blog.... I have a couple of snap shots I want to add aaaand I want /need to walk Sadie who is feeling much better after having been fed a cupcake wrapper.   Don't ask :)

I'm back.... in blog time I wasn't gone, I know.... but I have the dried paint all over my hands to prove it.  :)  .. .. I was adding colors to the dresser that is now the kitchen pantry.... Per request of the great and talented Tanya, here are a few close ups...... it's in progress and I am excited to meet the results!

I am now off to take my wonderful, patient roomie for a spin around the block and a quick pee before I slumber.  ttfn... 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hermiting in my Creative Corner

Hello and happy chilly morning from me, thee hermiting, urban artist.
Much of the time it's my pup, Sadie, and my dude, Warren, that I hang out, create, view netflix, and generally be with.
If it wasn't for Sadie's need to pee I wonder if I would ever venture out, well except to buy food so I have energy to bunker in and make stuff.
It's a habit to carry my3x5 handy dandy sketch book
Sadie, is the social one of this group enjoys a playdate is running with her pack in the yard across from our spot... she tempts them with sticks, chews on Meldau and kisses Spike while I finish a sketch or draw what is around me.
This week a face that fell onto my page is that of Spike's human Jack.
When back inside I am morphing a lamp out of discarded wood, a cracked digeredoo and painted apoxie sculpt along with other bits that keep my a.d.d. entertained.
What are you making in your creative corner these days and who are your favorite companions?
With finger like branches and hot chocolate I am heading into my world of blues and greens to make some headway...
