Saturday, October 15, 2016

I Want to Play

To be an adult or not today...

Ok, so technically Im an adult everyday, that's what the numbers say.  
There's really cool art stuff going on in the far rockaways tonight with people I really dig aaaaaaand I am sniffly and worn out by a draconian day yesterday... 
I am pouty and on the inside stomping my feet because i know it isn't fair to the cool peops that will be there to be meeting my germies.
Eat raw ginger, garlic soup, cayenne lemon water, read, draw and rest so I am over this ooziness for a cool arty get together tomorrow.
Crossed fingers that I wake up peppy, booger free and ready to explore new foods and peops over the next few days for all the yea for NYC happenings that are going on.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Gems and Fresh Eyes

my kid drove down to visit me

it was so fun to see NYC through fresh eyes 

 I get to rediscover the gems easy to overlook when rushing by.  Im grateful for the gifts layered into life's process and I am so proud of my kids.