Hey and Happy Morning to you...
tho just because I am writing this in the morning time does not mean you will be reading it in the morning time.... so happy time to you!
The doodles, tangles and happy lines took on a life of their own with in my pen and started doing my kid's initials, I'm pretty please with how they are coming out. In the posting of them on my Shades of Peace facebook page I asked what started with those letters, so far I have posted R, D, and C....as I was working on 'J' I realized I want to fill the letters with words that start with the letter I am drawing and do the whole alphabet..
Here is an incomplete list of what starts with the letter....
I would love it if y'all would help fill this in, please add your favorite words you would like to see doodled in a letter...
At first I decided I would go in alphbetical order, posting one letter a day. This approach in not a good plan if I want to finish the project that I think will make a fun coloring book.
(Finally) I have learned to go with my wiring...
anyone who knows me likely notices I bounce around with "A.D.D" as my choreographer;l rather than swallow chemicals to change how work I have learned to go with it...allot gets done on various projects by setting myself up with different bits to work on so as I bounce from one thing I have another go to and the productivity is much higher. To an outside observer my studio resembles scrambled eggs, maybe why I dont have many in the studio - comments the space and ongoing projects can shift the rhythm for me and makes the flow harder to get back to...
Learning to go with that has allowed me to have creations fall out that make me so excited I get to be an artist.
Sooo in keeping with my seemingly unorganized Chelle rhythm I will do the letters in an inside out order -
please post here or on my Shades of Peace face book page any words you would like to see doodled for that letter when they come to you/as you feel like it.... its hard tellin which letter will come next, even I dont know.
CM PS .... more on another day....