Saturday, November 7, 2015

Strolling and Mindless Doodles

Hello and welcome to another glimpse inside my head:

As often happens, there are layers of my current journey that are fantastic and magical while others are reminiscent of the bog of eternal stench.  Im learning to enjoy the up swings and pockets of distress while destenching the other bits.  Part of what I really dig about southern Brooklyn is the proximity Coney Island where a stroll along the boardwalk as the sunset dissolves angst barriers transforming stress, allowing for solutions.

As the weather cools down and the days are shorter playing with new recipes is an indoor activity that makes my life feel more homey.  , Thanks to youtube I learned how to make noodles, for the first time I made my own pasta!  Fresh tastes soooo much better!  It didn't seem like flour, egg and olive oil would taste any better if mixed on my counter,,,, well it did, bunches!  For days I made  several meals from this new discovery and started experimenting including a desert pasta.  This one is cinnamon noodles with an apple, carrot,  ginger cream sauce..... it was yummy!  If you want the recipe I made up lemme know in the comments and I will share.

The table underneath is a find that I painted ;   one of my favorite ways to acquire furniture is repurposing a piece someone else discarded.  A great thing about a free canvas is the pressure to make the most out of the expensive materials and create masterpiece is gone, much like drawing on note book paper,  fun, stream of consciousness doodles emerge.  The ones that fall out are usually more appealing to me that the ones I am determined with be cool, like this one, friends that are part of Fort Vine.  They are based in Harlem which is a haul from southern Bk without the train schedule having a schedule, which thankfully it did not in either direction though the N line was utilizing the D train.  This will likely only be relatable if you have spent allot of time on nyc subways.... the cars for each train line differ including seat configuration, ad types, the stop board, if there is one, that sort of thing.  It feels foreign and can be out of sorting when you step into a car from another line.
So I did all that and got to Tsion Cafe late because for some reason I have to do allot of stuff as I prep to leave as though time will pause while I do random bits of 'this can actually wait'.  I got there psyched to draw them, arriving for a few songs of their last set. I got a quick

doodle of Trevor before they ended, adding Nyna at home.  Unlike my mindless doodles there is something less free about it to me.Any time I am attached to it being really cool it feels less so than when I let go and let it fall out.  Does creativity feel the same for you>>?  Its not the worst Ive ever doodled but his face is so serious, a state Ive never seen it in for real....
So it again comes down to learning and going with my wiring to achieve the best results.
And now I am going with my dogs plumbing at doing a 2_30ish am pee walk before we bed.
Happy creatng, dreaming and being to y'all!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Walking and Inspiration

Where do you like to wander to think, breathe, take the dogs to pee, gain inspiration, doodle....?
Beaches and cemeteries are frequent go to spots for me, yes cemeteries, why do people squinch thier noses at that?  I love looking at all the carvings, differences in stone over the years, that people are next to eachother in their afterlife that weren't living at the same time and all in the newer section where I often go they have faces lasered on.  How people choose the pictures is a pondering of mine, some are so stern, goofy, stoic, cartoonish......sometimes all at the name time.  It's a writers paradise, so many stories in various shapes and languages.... Why wouldn't one want to explore these peaceful structural parks?

When wandered onto this scene for a moment I thought the bird was part of the tribute I later discovered is from a father to his son, a teenager who died in battle a century-ish ago.
The feathered guardian kept us company while we imagined through this section.  Such a layered break in our  day.

Where do you like to wander?

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Gifts of Process

Hello and how do you do, how does so much time pass?

I just (finally) finished an animation diy cooking video
I have been working on for way longer than I believed it would take.  Finishing was a bit anti-climatic, as though I thought there would be fireworks and a parade... whoooooo hoooopty dooooooo its done!
Nope, didnt happen, though it does feel good to have finished it.... Id like to get to posting one a week.

There has been allot of changes this year, most I didn't choose, they got dumped on me like the ice water challenge with no warning.... It's been hard and sometimes it seems the pain will suffocate me, then I force myself to make something and am reminded agony squeezed through creativity can sparkle beautifully.  

Art is an a magical, healing filter to process what feels like the end of it all, realizing there's way more beauty inside than we can see in process sometimes.  Diving into the zone of creating allows all of this to happen within a safe, surreal, beautiful world of own making.

Along with the incredible gifts, its true, being an artist is rarely a sound economic choice, artists lives are often far richer than the accompanying pockets much of the time. It's hard for sure though I don't want to sell those gifts of process for trinkets, not again anyway.

Show and Tell time :)...... what do you do to find peace In your process making music out of the noise?

Talk soon
xox peacefulshades 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

Finding Whimsy in the Mundane

Allot has been going on in my scribbled world, some amazing, some terrifying with balances out to the customary response of 'fine' when asked how I am.
Fortunately I have the ability to scribble down things that make me smile and add silliness to hum drum, I wish I had an assistant to do this, tasks.

This  doodle is the result of me fixing my clogged bathroom sink.  Procrastination meant I didn't use the sink for a few days plus a few more days, clogged it up more with my baking soda vinegar remedy that would have worked if used earlier, then finally stuck my head, hands and tools under to take it apart and fix it for real.  Thinking it wise to measure the probably will crack someday rubber ring to get replacements I did two scribble transfers of the black washers then put the under the sink back together.  Pacing about on random other tasks the measurements turned into eyes before I made it to the hardware store  then of courts flowers and spiders were a logical next step :).
I love that my artists life lets me find whimsy in necessary tasks!
How bout you. how do you make the tedious fun?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Color and Spring go together

Boing spring came in today!! So nice, even after all this time in the Northeast, since 1984, I still feel like winter is never going to end when the snow is falling come March and it's 40° in April. Though it's very depressing to not believe spring is coming it's a bright warm gift when it does!
 Much of  today was outside coloring with the dogs.  Fortunately for me that's considered work ha ha because I have a new coloring book that I just self published, working to get it out more so sitting outside coloring means I can post pictures which means that I'm working which means I get to color in the sun and not feel guilty about it yea!!!  
One thing I do like about winter is the bare tree fingers that are leafless.... The in between of New York April has it warm enough to enjoy the branches before the beautiful buds burst forth.
How do you celebrate the onset of spring?

Off to slumber.
Ttfn, Chelle/peacefulshades 

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Oh my good grief it has been crazy amount of cold!  All I really want to do is stay in drinking hot chocolate and draw.
The trains close to me are al caught outside, which I think is most awesome until this weather hits, its far less fun drawing while waiting when my hands drip icicles.

Once I get on its nice with the usual spattering of characters that I get to doodle during the  commute to...... 
This how I make the most of it when Id rather hibernate with my dogs till spring hits.