Friday, May 22, 2015

Finding Whimsy in the Mundane

Allot has been going on in my scribbled world, some amazing, some terrifying with balances out to the customary response of 'fine' when asked how I am.
Fortunately I have the ability to scribble down things that make me smile and add silliness to hum drum, I wish I had an assistant to do this, tasks.

This  doodle is the result of me fixing my clogged bathroom sink.  Procrastination meant I didn't use the sink for a few days plus a few more days, clogged it up more with my baking soda vinegar remedy that would have worked if used earlier, then finally stuck my head, hands and tools under to take it apart and fix it for real.  Thinking it wise to measure the probably will crack someday rubber ring to get replacements I did two scribble transfers of the black washers then put the under the sink back together.  Pacing about on random other tasks the measurements turned into eyes before I made it to the hardware store  then of courts flowers and spiders were a logical next step :).
I love that my artists life lets me find whimsy in necessary tasks!
How bout you. how do you make the tedious fun?

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