Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Warm Spring Rain and New Colors

Hey there and happy Spring to you! That, of course, is assuming you are in the same time zone as me and altitude as me, or at least something kinda like it....... I lived in NYS for over 30 years and thought I had winter down until I did it smack in the Green Mountains and realized how a high of -13 feels while buried up to my *** in snow.

Well its now mid April, the thaw has happened and crocus are springing through the well hydrated earth.... I'm aiming not to get too cocky about it since I hear it can snow through May in these parts., sounds kinda uncivilized to me, however the landscape round here is breath taking. There are seemingly unlimited trails to explore.  Bessie and I found some along the rocky, rushing river and enjoyed calmness and sand.  

The other day was one of the warmest so far this year and also raining cats and dogs.... cats and dogs sound like fun but my terrier wasn't one of the dogs that wanted to be out there so we sat inside and I doodled up a couple of coloring pages.

The freshness of spring sprung up under my pen with lots of signs of new life within doodled shapes and characters a plenty, some obvious, others hidden amongst the bits. (Typical Chelle style if I ever could be deemed typical) When I do art pieces people often comment on the colors I choose  asking how I do it.  I'm going to dip my brush into the tutorial pot aiming to explain how I colored the Fish Eggs/Eggy Fish maybe birds in my newly drawn springtime coloring pages .  If you want them want to do your own the way I did, with your own colors or both you get them in my etsy shop,

You are of course welcome to use my techniques to the letter, or take off with different mediums fueled by imagination.  
As you may have noticed in the starter pic, I colored the Eggy Fish Birds a couple of times and cut a pair out that I am going to animate then maybe papermache them into something. If you choose to upload these, super please post images to my pages so I can see how you put your own sensibilities into the characters :)   

This time, in this go round I used Permanent Marker, water colors, ink pen and colored pencil.

To start I did a light go over of pale-ish blue colored pencil on the beaks and a tail. Then added yellow and multi colored  to the beak in layers with the blue until I liked the effect. I then darkened washed out lines with an ink pen.

The onto the Egg Bird on the right, I added a wash of yellow watercolor with an amaaazing water brush I was turned onto by the uber talented Gregory Benton.  Then added a slight wash of red to the toucas.

Then onto yet another colorful implement, a permanent marker which I used for Sir Eggy's body for a deep tone and the tail of his Lady Pal.

And There you have it!  

Did you color them and use the same or different colors, did you cut them out and glue them to stuff?  I so want to see!  Please post on my facebook and/or tag me on instagram
Whether you use my pages, your own or someone elses, coloring is a great way to destress, enjoy playing and have a fun souvenir at the end.

Have requests for what you want to see?  Please say so in the comments, I love a challenge!

XOX Chelle Mayer aka peacefulshades

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