Its funny how I look for clean clothes in my drawer when I know I didnt do laundry, or something to nosh on in the fridge when I didn't yet market.
Feeling rather sick today, its cold and rainy and rather.... Where the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep is spring?
Added some doodles to my blotter paper that has now become a work of art two of my best friends have both said 'mine' to when I texted images to them.
Best friends are like colors to me..... the joy is tingling and impossible to consistently like one more than the other. To be blessed with the quirky crew that I have.... whoa!
My life feels like my drawings.
I often feel like a cartoon, suppose thats what happens when one is raised by artists and a cartoonist and pops out with the itch to create herself.
Well, I am going to go balance creating with curling up with soup and tea and cozy away from the cold raininess that is outside my window.
What are ya'all doing to stay nurtured and creative today?
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