Monday, May 17, 2010

Carving and Printing and Stuff

Hello there...
I have been very into carving blocks these days.... am recruiting friends into the fun of it as well..... the prints are exciting too! I got so into carving blocks I nearly fergot that printing was the goal.... think I may have mentioned that.
Here is a test print of Stripey... the block is still in progess.
Also a block printed, hand colored tee shirt Warhol style.. whaddya think?
I am so excited about this. It makes me miss sculpting with clay a little less.
Its nearly 5p... am going to venture into some sun.
XO Bob Choscar (I think this is my new pen name... theres a couple stories attached to this one.) :o)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Making Plans with an Artist

I wish I could transport myself instantly from place to place.... there are so many things I want to do and often they are hours apart in travel time.... when in the city that doesnt necessarily mean they are that far apart. Depends on the day, time of day, weather...... on weekdays the 8am train is waaaaaaaaay more crowded than the 9:30am. Ok for work and all you would expect that so are saying, yeah no kidding. But the difference is still one that still surprises me.... from being so packed one can not easily turn their bodies to keeping from bumping someone. Someone who is also packed in with dozens of others who are plugged in to their electronic devices wired and stuck in their ears doing an Oscar performances of 'no one is actually next to me'. Still I look around and take in all in hoping it falls onto my page as soon I get in front of it. Often I draw on the subway but at that time of day (during the 5pm madness too) my arms have no room to move the pen.

Anyway, I am actually upstate right now.... I taped water color paper to my table and am layer lines on colors of various mediums. Yes today is Thursday and my dude has been a wonderful and understanding , thinking that I would be down on Monday, then the next day........ now its Thursday. When I said that I really meant it but what if I walk away from the lines, colors, chaotic a.d.d. layering of creativity through various projects throughout the day that I just love bouncing into when I wake up and cant get back to them .
And then I realize it isnt a what if... it is as likely as a it being 75degrees one day and snowing the next. Yeah, I get back to it eventually but it sometimes takes longer than I want to or is too something else when I do.
So I am going to work on this a while longer and wrap it up at its natural conclusion grateful that I popped out an artist and have incredible people to share love and life with.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Details Etc


The best sandwich is made with... bread with lots of grains and seeds, sprouts are a plus :)

The place I feel safest is...
in my studio, creating.

I love the sound of...
water, Chopin, silence.

The first poster on my bedroom wall was... Donny Osmond

The vice I am glad I got rid of...
smoking cigarettes

As a child, I wanted to be...
an artist

The first time I got drunk was...
I think I was 12ish, living in Boise, Idaho.... was at LeAnne's and I drank a bit of what was in the glasses on the table during a get-together when no one was looking. Put myself to bed... when my mom poked her head into Megan's room where I was bedded... (Megan was lying half under he bedwith a sock on her face)... I started singing happy good night to her she got wise to what we were up to. One of many times I one of her 5 kids left her unsure of whether to laugh or cry. Its much funnier now.

The best way to cook a potato is...
bunches of ways, many I learned I like at the Red Robin in Boise, and with mayo.

At night I worry about...
falling, failing, evaporating.

The first thing I do in the morning is...
draw, write and (unfortunately) check facebook.

Plane, train, or automobile...
yes, boats, bicycles and feet too.

Oh yeah
... and I finished my drawing!!!... Okay, so that wasnt really an afterthought. :)
am very excited!
Its approximately 2x5 feet (26"x60") YEA
The details are lost in this lowlight rather crummy shot but I didnt want to wait till natural light appears in the morning time.


Drawing on a sunny Sunday

Hello and good Sunday to ya'all,
My day was to consist of hanging at the ocean by the boardwalk of Coney Island, eating soup in China Town and enjoying the movement of the city through the warm, much awaited spring. It does seems as tho the morning sun, combined with adoration for color and other random factors, are keeping me at my blotter paper till I finish.... Really want to pull the pages of typing paper, put there to protect what I had already done, off and meet my drawing in its entirety.
Oh yeah, and there is all that work I blew off while whimpering in pain through my tooth aches and the grant that I should finish cuz I really want to move forward, letter to heir mossman, make ballllllllllllllllllllm etc etc etc.

The birds are chatting outiside my window, backed by the sound of sporatic traffic, I am going to go make tea.