Saturday, January 4, 2014

Snow,Doodles, Procrastination and Dr. Who

Yesterday was a snowy...6/7 inches I think...
Warren had the day off and the girls stayed with him and we both worked in our separate corners/towns.
I super totally adore my furry girls and cant imagine life without them, still it is nice to project though in a zone as I used to without breaking to feed, play, walk with them and occasionally remove them from my projects.
The apartment was empty without them and I didnt leave it all day... not even to market which meant I ended up eating a frozen mini pizza purchased when I was shopping while hungry that I heated up in a skillet on the stove top.
The solitude produced the final edits on a cartoon I did for this blog post which comments on draconian policies in the system.

Organizing my apartment/studio, drawing uses for clothing from the 'I will make something out of someday' pile resulted in some cool drawings of to be dresses in my sketchbook.  (can I say my own work is cool?)
I drew a cartoony drawing while watching an episode of the first season of the new Dr. Who which is on Netflix lifestream that I have here.
And I made a task list for today so I dont spin around un sure of what to do first, tangling it up in my head so much it makes me tired before I task.... nope not doing that, today is going to be an awesomely non pingy day.

Its cold out and a bit nippy in too, I'm off to stuff some more raw wool in the cracks around my window and plastic it so I dont shiver while sewing.....  yes I know its already January and it shouldve been done already - procrastination is my sidekick that is not furry, maybe it is.... combined with my a.d.d attention span I get stuff done in a very pin ball fashion.... hey whatever accomplishes 'get er done', ya?  Some interesting art has come from my side tracking

Tata for Now

(Sadie photo by Warren Cooke)

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